News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo of Arlington's Court House Plaza by Flickr user Helga's Lobster Stew.

The Post has a great article reporting that "When the 9/11 memorial is dedicated, it will change iconic building into something it was not intended to be: a tourist destination."

Raw Fisher reminds us that "The Supreme Court did not rule today on the D.C. gun ban case, so next week is the week." For a refresher, read Harry Jaffe's excellent article, "Do You Want This Next to Your Bed?" about DC gun rights.

Duke Ellington is currently the top choice for the design of the new DC quarter.  

PQ Living has a tip for a relaxing way to spend 30 minutes on the steps of the National Portrait Gallery. Give it a shot. 

WashCycle points out a great New York City map for bikes. Anybody out there up for creating a DC one? 

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