News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo by Flickr user IntangibleArts

Happy 8-8-8, everybody! Enjoying this absurdly gorgeous weather, Washington? We are too. And lucky for us, it'll probably last through the weekend.

Why not put this good weather to use by planning out your weekend now? Check out our weekend picks—we've got an art walk, a sangria-filled happy hour, the start of a tennis tournament and lots more. Or check out our list of spots where you can watch the Olympics.

The DDOT is planning contraflow bike lanes on New Hampshire (meaning that bikes would be allowed to go the other way on the one-way part of the street).

The Travel Channel's Samantha Brown came to DC recently and did a show about the city. You can see a list of the places she included on the program here