News & Politics

The Tweet Beat: The Best Congressional Tweets of the Week

Health care is the watchword in Congress this week, preoccupying most of our representatives as they hash details out over Doritos and beef jerky. Still, most of them have time to take care of their other responsibilities. John Shimkus wants everyone to know that Lithuania really is a country, not just an answer on Jeopardy, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is making sure that nobody in Florida gets sunburnt, Newt Gingrich is being really uncommonly nice about Barack Obama (and enjoying the music of Abba), Orrin Hatch celebrates Pioneer Day, Roy Blunt enjoys ham and Jason Chaffetz is making friends in the media. Happy birthday to Claire McCaskill, whose son very sweetly made her a celebratory dinner. Farewell to Sarah Palin! (please, please keep on tweeting). And if anyone has been wondering why the Tweet Beat sometimes seems overwhelmingly Republican in content, John Boehner has the answer.

SenChrisDodd: Just had breakfast with my Foreign Relations policy team at my favorite Capitol Hill diner, Jimmy T’s.
Senator Chris Dodd, CT.

ChuckGrassley: Sometime this wkend and several times this wkend I wil b discussing healthCare Reform w Al Hunt on Bloomberg
Sen. Chuck Grassley, IA.

IRL: Scored $ for bus shelters for beach area to protect bus users, especially seniors, from harmful UV rays and inclement weather.
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL.

IRL: Got $1 million for Key West Transit Facility 2 reduce traffic congestion. In KW, u ask? Oh yeah, come on down and experience traffic mess.
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL.

RepShimkus: Just passed a resolution recognizing the country of Lithuania for the 1000 year anniversary of written acknowledgment of it as a country.
Rep. John Shimkus, IL.

ChuckGrassley: PTL BluDogs Keep barkin Pelosie bill is Govt takeovr of healthCare Breaks Obama promise”keep what u hv” Puts Wash Burocrats in chrg MUSTSTOP
Sen. Chuck Grassley, IA.

newtgingrich: President Obama’s strong commitment on education reform is a good start and he is showing considerable courage indemanding real change
Newt Gingrich.

JudgeCarter: The Democrats are blocking free speech in the House. We can not use the words “Democrats” or “Government Run Healthcare” in official mail.
Rep. John Carter, TX.

Barbara_Boxer: Partnered with Senator Kerry today to explain What Palin Got Wrong About Energy:
Sen. Barbara Boxer, CA.

newtgingrich: It was very wise of President Obama to call the policeman he had criticized in his press conference It was a classy way to apologize
Newt Gingrich.

OrrinHatch: Took time to preside over our Pioneer Day Celebration. Good food. Great Utahns. Wonderful holiday.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, UT.

clairecmc: No more tweeting today, son Austin cooking my birthday dinner. yay.Waiting for Linny Buck and dcjc to wish me a happy bd. heeheehee
Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

LeonardBoswell: Mr Gil kerlikowski, new Drug Control Policy Director came to the Hill today to Spk to Me & the other Meth CoChairs.
Rep. Leonard Boswell, IA.

AKGovSarahPalin: Great 3rd(& final) Governor’s Picnic in hometown tonite;loved the focus: honoring military&Blue Star families;no politickin’ just patriotism
Former Gov. Sarah Palin. AK.

RoyBlunt: We started the day at the Boone County Fair Ham Breakfast. Met a lot of nice folks and I loved the country ham.
Rep. Roy Blunt, MO.

newtgingrich: Callista and I watched mama mia the other night. I liked the dancing queen sequence so much watched three times.meryl streep did great job
Newt Gingrich.

AKGovSarahPalin: W/kids in camper;on World’s Best Rd Trip!To soar by Mt.McKinley&rushing rivers,we remember all of AK is BIG/WILD/GOOD LIFE;feel freedom here
Former Gov. Sarah Palin, AK.

newtgingrich: If you have never seen dunkleostus the armored fish from the devonian you should visit cleveland museum of natural historu It is amazing
Newt Gingrich.

AKGovSarahPalin: Last state twitter. Thank you Alaska! I love you. God bless Alaska. God bless the U.S.A.
Former Gov. Sarah Palin, AK.

GreggHarper: Click here to view my latest FOX News interview on Fragile X Syndrome and health care reform:
Rep. Gregg Harper, MS.

jasoninthehouse: Evacuating our DC office building–Longworth. I am on the Floor.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, UT.

RepSteveIsrael: Scare Tactics Greatest Hits: Rep. Foxx says House Dem HC bill will “put seniors in a position of being put to death by their government.”
Rep. Steve Israel, NY.

jasoninthehouse: Tonight’s Glenn Beck show on FoxNews should be mentioning something I shared with him earlier today. About half way into show.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, UT.

clairecmc: Do those wanting to turn people away from emergcy rooms who don’t have ins really mean it? They’re sayin have to die cuz u dont have ins?
Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

SenJohnMcCain: The House joined the Senate last night in passing a resolution calling 4 Jack Johnson, the best heavyweight fighter of his era, be pardoned.
Sen. John McCain, AZ.

jasoninthehouse: Spent a few minutes this morning with Michelle Malkin. So glad to know her!
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, UT.

RepSteveIsrael: Scare Tactics Greatest Hits: Boehner & McCotter say HC bill will “start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia.”
Rep. Steve Israel, NY.

GOPLeader: Politico: GOP outnumbers Dems on Twitter by 2-to-1
Rep. John Boehner, OH.

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