News & Politics

Tweet Beat: The Best Congressional Tweets of the Week

Big week in Congress: Pelosi releases a healthcare bill for all to read, resulting in the usual grumbles about how long it is. To which we reply, would you rather have a bill one could scrawl on the back of a Big Mac wrapper? Luckily our representatives, brilliant, biting humorists that they are, are able to see the funny side.

In other news, Pete Hoekstra is on Huckabee, Joe Wilson is making friends in Europe (don’t tell him they’re all socialists over there), Cynthia Lummis is hanging out with someone named “Hoppy” and Bob Latta is abusing the caps lock key. And happily, many representatives gathered outside the Capitol Building at the end of the week to protest the healthcare bill, resulting in yet more bad jokes for the weekend.

It might have been Halloween, but there were few costumes and not much candy up on the Hill. Apart from John Shimkus, who’s been inexplicably playing the part of a preacher all week.

RepShimkus: John 8:31-32 If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Rep. John Shimkus, Illinois.

JudgeCarter: Pelosi’s Halloween Healthcare Horrors:
Rep. John Carter, TX.

ChuckGrassley: 9am visit and spoke and toured “Family Works” Substance Abuse rehab facility Council Bluff. Then visited Senior Cntr. Both nice entities
Sen. Chuck Grassley, IA.

greshambarrett: The President has decided to transfer Gitmo terrorists to SC. This is wrong. I am committed to doing everything I can to block this now.
Rep. Gresham Barrett, SC.

clairecmc: 3.5 growth in our economy 3rd quarter.Good, but doesn’t help many MOians looking for work. Worried it was boosted by C4C & not real growth.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

RepShimkus: Psalm 18:46 The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.
Rep. John Shimkus, IL.

CongJoeWilson: Extraordinary morning at state Marine Corps League to present bottles of sand from Iwo Jima I dug in Feb, two actual Iwo veterans!
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC.

petehoekstra: Just finished taping Huckabee. Think he’s got a great show tonight. Diverse guests and topics. He does nice job. Tonight at 8 on Fox.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, MI.

bobinglis: Reading the 1,990 page Pelosi health care bill. If trick or treaters come to our door, I’d better hide the scary 10-pound stack of paper!
Rep. Bob Inglis, SC.

petehoekstra: Gave Gov Huckabee a copy of the Pelosi bill on air. Saved 20 lbs of baggage that I didn’t have to carry home.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, MI.

clairecmc: I’d be less than honest if I didn’t admit that some of the unfair personal attacks via tweets don’t hurt.Try to ignore but they still ouch.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

CongressmanGT: After Church attending
Rep. Glenn Thompson, PA.

CongJoeWilson: [*] Buy your Joe Wilson gear now while it lasts: Plz RT
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC.

CynthiaLummis: Daily fact on women and health care — Women spend 2 out of every 3 health care dollars.
Rep. Cynthia Lummis, WY.

boblatta: WORST….BILL….EVER
Rep. Bob Latta, OH.

CongJoeWilson: I was honored to escort Chancellor Merkel and tell how much SC appreciates jobs by German investments symbolized by BMW.
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC.

CynthiaLummis: My interview with Hoppy Kercheval at WV Metro News:
Rep. Cynthia Lummis, WY.

JeffFlake: Sitting around a table with my Republican colleagues, reading the massive Pelosi healthcare bill. Haven’t found anything good in it yet.
Rep. Jeff Flake, AZ.

EricCantor: Just spoke at Victory Rally. “Let the word be heard far and wide that the Republican resurgence begins tonight, here in Virginia!”
Rep. Eric Cantor, VA.

GovernorPerry: Very well run races focused on smaller government in NJ and VA. Congrats to Christie and McDonnell on well deserved victories.
Gov. Rick Perry, TX.

RepShimkus: P1398 Healthy Teen initiative. If “evidence-based” requires “(5) to improve rates of contraceptive use. How does abstinence education fit?
Rep. John Shimkus, IL.

RoyBlunt: After an election the pundits like to name which politicians are winners & losers but the clear winners are the people of VA & NJ.
Rep. Roy Blunt, MO.

RepRadanovich: I’m at the rally to defeat #ObamaCare on West front steps of Capitol
Rep. John Radanovich, CA.
jasoninthehouse: Interesting sign at rally, “My grandma is not a “shovel ready” project”
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, UT.

RepDanBurton: Congressman Steve King just said “We’re not going to leve this Hill till we kill this bill!”.
Rep. Dan Burton, IN.

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