Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School
1524 35th St., NW; 202-337-3350; girls 9th-12th grades; $26,500; 490 students.
Our mission is to empower our students to meet the demands and challenges of today's rapidly changing and morally complex world. We guide our students to become self-reliant, intellectually mature, and morally responsible women of faith, vision, and purpose.
What's New?
New turf field, just blessed in September. New one-to-one iPad program, each student has to purchase their own iPad.
Colleges Where the Greatest Number of 2013 Graduates Enrolled
University of Maryland College Park, University of Notre Dame, Georgetown, Virginia Tech, College of William and Mary
National Cathedral School
Mount St. Alban, 3612 Woodley Rd., NW; 202-537-6300; girls 4th-12th grades; $37,520; 585 students.
We believe in the power of young women and educate them to embrace our core values of excellence, service, courage, and conscience.
What's New?
Renovated two buildings in the past two years; has a new center for ethical leadership and service. Launching third renovation of Proctor Hall next June. Established an engineering lab that opened in the fall of 2014. Co-ordinate with St. Albans (all arts, can take classes at other schools in upper schools).
Academy of the Holy Cross
4920 Strathmore Ave., Kensington, MD; 301-942-2100; girls 9th-12th grades; $20,725; 508
What's New?
Capital campaign to add all-season turf field and campus renovation with new media center and upgraded facilities. Breaking ground for the new athletic field in spring 2015, which will be ready for play in fall 2015. Expanded one-to-one iPad program to entire school-wide (included in technology fee) in 2014.
The Academy of the Holy Cross, a Catholic college preparatory school sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Cross since 1868, is dedicated to educating young women in a Christ-centered community which values diversity. The Academy is committed to developing women of courage, compassion and scholarship who responsibly embrace the social, spiritual and intellectual challenges of the world.
Colleges Where the Greatest Number of 2013 Graduates Enrolled
University of Maryland College Park, Towson University, St. Joseph's University, Mount St. Mary's, College of Charleston
Connelly School of the Holy Child
9029 Bradley Blvd., Potomac, MD; 301-365-0955; girls 6th-12th grades; $25,700-$28,850 ; 300
What's New?
New headmistress, Shannon Gomez, started this school year. Renovated gym opened this year.
A Catholic, college preparatory school committed to the intellectual, spiritual, artistic, physical, and social development of young women in grades 6-12. The school emphasizes academic challenge, joy of learning, and the education of well-rounded women of faith and action. The Holy Child community welcomes students and families of different faiths and diverse backgrounds. In keeping with the philosophy of our founder, Cornelia Connelly, Holy Child values the uniqueness of each individual and fosters a life of service to others.
Elizabeth Seton High School
5715 Emerson St., Bladensburg, MD; 301-864-4532; girls 9th-12th grades; $12,300; 850 students.
Elizabeth Seton High School educates young women by engaging them in a challenging college preparatory curriculum and in the teachings of the Catholic church. We promote a community that values diversity and is rooted in service to others.
What's New?
Engineering program (three years old), pre-law program (two years old), and just started Health Sciences program this year. New library and new track and field for start of next school year.
Garrison Forest School
300 Garrison Forest Rd., Owings Mills, MD; 410-363-1500; coed preschool and K, girls pre-1st-12th grades; $24,460-$26,890 (day), $39,460 (regional boarding), $59, 370 (boarding); 630 students;
What's New
New head of school Dr. Kim Roberts, a nationally recognized leader in girls education, began July 1. Celebrating ten-year anniversary this year of two nationally-recognized programs: women in science and engineering (WISE program)—in partnership with Johns Hopkins University—and Jenkins Fellows program that offers in-depth community service fellowships for students.
We prepare our students in and out of the classroom to thrive in a complex, changing world by: challenging them to strive for academic excellence and to grow into informed, independent, and creative thinkers; cultivating an authentic and resilient sense of self, grounded in respect and integrity; creating a diverse and inclusive community built on a spirit of caring; inspiring young women to lead and to serve with passion, purpose, and joy.
Colleges where the greatest number of 2013 Graduates enrolled
University of Maryland College Park, Penn State-University Park, Bucknell University
Holton-Arms School
7303 River Rd., Bethesda, MD; 301-365-5300; girls 3rd-12th grades; $35,155-$36,875; 658 students.
The mission of the Holton-Arms School is to cultivate the unique potential of young women through the "education not only of the mind, but of the soul and spirit.
Oldfields School
1500 Glencoe Rd., Sparks Glencoe, MD; 410-472-4800; girls 8th-12th grade; $31,003 (day), $48,639 (five-day boarding), $50,522 (seven-day boarding); 169 students.
Oldfields School is committed to the intellectual and moral development of young women. In a culture of kindness and mutual respect, we encourage each student to make the most of her academic and personal potential. We seek to guide each student to grow in character, confidence, and knowledge by encouraging her to embrace the values of personal honesty, intellectual curiosity, and social responsibility.
What's New?
New indoor riding ring opened October 2010
Colleges where the greatest number of 2010 Graduates enrolled
George Washington University, Wheaton College, New York University, Virginia Tech
St. Timothy's School
8400 Greenspring Ave., Stevenson, MD; 410-486-7400; girls 9th-12th grade; $28,560 (day), $50,330 (boarding); 195
Founded in 1882, St. Timothy's School is a college preparatory boarding and day school, preparing girls to assume positions of leadership with moral focus and courage, intellectual honesty and acumen, and the confidence to act responsibly and ethically in all areas of their lives. St. Timothy's instills a passion for learning and is committed to the formation of character, spiritual growth, social responsibility, and a respect for diversity. Such commitments are the hallmarks of our heritage; they illuminate our motto and guide our lives together. St. Timothy's curriculum is based upon the International Baccalaureate program with superb resources in athletics, arts, clubs, world affairs, and community service, capitalizing on the talents and strengths of each individual student. St. Timothy's is affiliated with the Episcopal Church, the fundamental principles of which provide a moral compass for the community. The school welcomes students of all faiths and draws strength from a diversity of beliefs and experiences.
What's New?
In 2012, the school opened a state-of-the-art academic facility and in 2014 opened a new dining commons and student center.
Colleges Where the Greatest Number of 2030 Graduates Enrolled
University of Maryland College Park, George Washington University, University of Southern California, University of Virginia, Haverford College
Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart
9101 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD; 301-657-4322; coed pre-K-K, girls 1st-12th grades; $17,900 (preschool), $23,800 (pre-K-4th grades), $25,600 (5th-6th grades), $26,150 (7th-8th grades), $29,500 (9th-12th grades); 700 students.
Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart inspires young women to lead and serve, through lives of purpose that integrate faith, intellect, community, social action, and personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.
What's New?
New turf field to be finished by the end of 2014.
Colleges Where the Greatest Number of 2013 Graduates Enrolled
Georgetown University, University of Maryland College Park, University of Virginia, Elon University, University of Notre Dame
Yeshiva of Greater Washington
2010 Linden La., Silver Spring, MD; 301-962-5111; Orthodox; 7th-12th grades; $15,545 (7th and 8th grades), $17,865 (9th-12th); $22,115-$22,865 (9th-12th with boarding); 190 students.
Chatham Hall
800 Chatham Hall Cir., Chatham, VA; 434-432-2941; girls 9th-12th grades; $18,500 (day), $38,000 (boarding, five day), $45,000 (boarding, seven day); 141 students.
Chatham Hall prepares girls for college and for productive lives. Our rigorous educational program encourages intellectual growth, creativity, and personal responsibility. We foster the intellect and character of each student, and through our Honor Code, live in a community of trust. Grounded in its Episcopal heritage, the school welcomes students of all faiths and backgrounds.
What's New?
This year's Leader in Residence program continues with Katty Kay, lead anchor of BBC World News America. For its International Service Learning Program this year, Chatham Hall will travel to Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, and rural Uttar Pradesh in India. The program in India adds to other experiential programs in France, Spain and Mexico.
The school opened its new 12,000-square-foot library last year, with a digital learning commons and Smart Board classrooms.
Colleges Where the Greatest Number of 2013 Graduates Enrolled
UVA, UNC-Chapel Hill, Yale
Foxcroft School
22407 Foxhound La., Middleburg, VA; 540-687-5555; girls 9th-12th grade; $42,900 (day), $50,900 (boarding); 157 students.
Foxcroft provides a residential learning experience for girls in which academic excellence, leadership, responsibility, and integrity are our highest values. What does this mean? Everything we do is curriculum -- curriculum is not only math and sciences and humanities but it's what it means to be a person. How do we live morally? How do we make the world a better place? Those are really the essential questions. ... And everything we do at Foxcroft is, in some way, a response to those basic questions.
What's New
In August of 2013 they opened Stuart Hall, a 50-student green dormitory with faculty housing. Stuart Hall received LEED certification. Upon celebrating their centennial, they welcomed a new Head of School, Catherine S. McGee.
Recent Accomplishments
Won the VISAA Division Two for Lacrosse. 100% of their class went to college in 2013, earning over $1.4 million in merit scholarships
Colleges with the Greatest 2013 Graduate Enrollment
University of Mary Washington, Elon University, High Point University, James Madison University, University of Virginia
Madeira School
8328 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA; 703-556-8200; girls 9th-12th grade; $41,224 (day), $54,555 (boarding); 320 students;
Launching women who change the world.
What's New?
Currently undergoing a $26 million renovation of its main historic buildings and dormitories.
Colleges Where the Greatest Number of 2010-2014 Graduates Enrolled
College of William and Mary, University of Virginia, George Washington University
Oakcrest School
850 Balls Hill Rd., McLean, VA; 703-790-5450; girls 6th-12th grades; $21,175 (grades 6-8), $22,200 (grades 9-12); 180 students;
Oakcrest School in partnership with parents challenges girls in grades 6-12 to develop thier intellect, character, faith and leadership potential to succeed in college and throughout their lives.
What's New?
Building a new campus in Vienna, Virginia, to be completed in 2016.
Colleges with the Greatest Graduate Enrollment in the Past Five Years
College of William and Mary, University of Maryland College Park, Virginia Tech
St. Margaret's School
444 Water La., Tappahannock, VA; 804-443-3357; girls 8th-12th grades; $17,900 (day), $45,900 (boarding); 130
"As we grown in age, we may grow in grace." St. Margaret's School's motto reflects our commitment to the growth of young women in every area of their lives: intellectual ability, physical well being, social responsibility and spiritual maturity. We offer a diverse student body a sound college-preparatory curriculum, challenging to each individual. In a Christian environment, founded on the Episcopal tradition, both honor and character are developed. St. Margaret's seeks to inspire each student to make the best of herself, and in so doing, make a better world..
What's New?
New focus on River program, which includes educational, recreational, leadership, and athletic programs.
Colleges Where the Greatest Number of 2013 Graduates Enrolled
Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Mississippi, College of William and Mary, Randolph College, George Washington University