
Eating & Reading: Healthy Eating With a Sprinkle of Funyons

Every week, we'll let you know what the Washingtonian food staff is reading in the blogosphere and off the bookshelves.

Sophie Gilbert, assistant editor:

• Ellen Tarlin has been documenting her healthy-eating quest for Slate for the last six weeks, including photographing every single thing she eats (the thought of which probably fills most of us with horror). This week, she summarizes her experiences and comes to this conclusion: "Food fulfills more than just a physical need. There's a spiritual component to it, too. There can, and should, be great joy in satisfying that need." Conclusion: Eating Healthfully, Because You're Worth It?

• On the same eating-well-isn't-all-that-hard note, the New York Times' Jane Brody breaks down the government's new dietary guidelines, concluding that following the food advice is "a lot easier than you may think." A Simple Map to the Land of Wholesome.

• It's another look at Barrack's Row from the Times this year, but instead of focusing on how greedy Hill-dwellers are, Terry Pristin looks at the efforts toward expanding the business hub south of the freeway: In Washington, a Historic Retail Strip Is Revived.

Emily Leaman, staff writer and Well+Being blogger:

• Lucky ducks will have delicious lunches: America's Best School Lunches.

Todd Kliman, food and wine editor:

• Good, demythologizing read on MSG: If MSG Is so Bad for You, Why Doesn't Everyone in Asia Have a Headache?

• The cookbook to end all cookbooks—part Leonardo, part William Vollmann, part Julia Child: The Game-Changing Cookbook.

Kate Nerenberg, assistant food and wine editor:

• Guess how long you live if you eat at McDonald's everyday? Recipe For a Long Life.

This American Life unearths the original Coca-Cola recipe. What, no high-fructose corn syrup? The Recipe.

Bloomberg reviews e, the newest restaurant from José Andrés, whom critic Ryan Sutton calls the "most famous U.S. chef without a New York outpost." Deutsche Bank's Casino Deals $250 Sorbet to Lucky Few: Review.

• A dirty little secret: I like love all manner of salty in-a-bag snack food: Doritos (Cool Ranch only), Fritos, Cheetos. The list embarrassingly goes on. Salon's Francis Lam, a man after my own heart and one my favorite food writers, puts together a hilarious look at some of these guilty pleasures: Sacrificial Lam.

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