
Wing Wars: The Ugly Mug vs. Jamaican Joe’s

Who has the best wings in Washington? You tell us.

Are the better wings on Capitol Hill or U Street? Cast your vote.

Welcome to round one of Wing Wars! We selected 32 local chicken wing destinations and randomly drew numbers to create this March Madness–style bracket. Every day on the Best Bites Blog, we’ll ask you to vote for which bars and restaurants should move on to the sweet 16. We’ll be posting two bouts a day during round one, so check back for updates. Voting will close at midnight of the day the posts are published.

Bad news for those of you who were hoping Hooters would go all the way. The chain with the short-shorts-clad servers has been defeated by U Street soul spot Oohhs and Aahhs. Mellow Mushroom, meanwhile, was easily shut out by the Source. (That might have had something to do with this little bump from Wolfgang Puck himself.)

Now it’s time to decide whether Capitol Hill hangout the Ugly Mug will be joining yesterday’s victors. The Mug is up against Jamaican Joe’s, which is known for its jerk-style wings.

Cast your vote, and head back here this afternoon for round two. And remember, you can always check the status of Wings Wars here.