Nanny O’Briens takes on Old Glory in the last bout of round one.
Welcome to round one of Wing Wars! We selected 32 local chicken wing destinations and randomly drew numbers to create this March Madness–style bracket. Every day on the Best Bites Blog, we’ll ask you to vote for which bars and restaurants should move on to the sweet 16. We’ll be posting two bouts a day during round one, so check back for updates. Voting will close at midnight of the day the posts are published.
And so we’ve come to the end of round one. What a ride, right? Our last contest is between Cleveland Park watering hole Nanny O’Briens and Georgetown barbecue spot Old Glory. It’s up to you to decide which will get the final slot in round two. Choose wisely, wing fans, and don’t forget to vote in this morning’s contest—Hard Times Cafe is up against Boundary Stone.