Guess what! Personal trainers are just like us. Sure, they spend all day helping clients get in better shape, and their own physiques are to die for, but in reality they don’t always treat their bodies as a temple. We asked local personal trainers, Pilates and yoga instructors, and athletes to reveal their secret guilty pleasures, and while some started with a disclaimer (“Everything is okay in moderation!”), all of them admitted to indulging after a particularly long day.
Take a look at their go-to indulgences, and don’t beat yourself up over that occasional ginormous bowl of ice cream.
Taco Bell
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner for the most indulgent guilty pleasure. Local running coach Mike Hamberger couldn’t deny his love of this fast food joint. His other go-to after a day of coaching? “Late-night runs to 7-Eleven because it’s right across from my apartment.”
“I do have a sweet tooth,” says Tanya Colucci
of Synergy, “so there’s nothing like a great piece of chocolate. My
favorite go-to is Toblerone!”
Goat Cheese Biscuits
“I love getting goat cheese biscuits from Baked & Wired
on Sunday morning after a long week of working out,” admits trainer and
yoga instructor Pari Bradlee. Her second guilty pleasure is “lemon
meringue pie from Pie Sisters of Georgetown. Amazing!”
Yes, personal trainers indulge in alcohol, too. For trainer and cycling instructor Grant Hill, wine is his guilty pleasure, but the good thing is that it fits into his Paleo diet. “I’m guilty because of the sugar and alcohol, but [it’s] a rewarding way to unwind after a long day training clients.”
Uncle Chip’s Brownies
Mint’s head Pilates instructor, Timea Presley, is a lacto-vegetarian, and her secret treat goes down well with a glass of milk. These brownies are vegan; the secret ingredient is black beans. “These brownies are wonderfully chocolatey and raise my spirits on the longest of days. They are happiness in a package,” she says. On Fridays, Presley says she really gets her chocolate fix by eating one of these brownies with a cup of hot chocolate.
He’s a clean eater during the week, but just like the rest of us, Doug Murphy of DSM Fitness occasionally cheats on the weekends. Pizza is his go-to comfort food, and he points out that certain versions don’t “totally derail a healthy diet.” He recommends sticking with a thin crust, lots of veggies, and a leaner meat such as ham, chicken, or shrimp.
“I would be lying if I said I didn’t have any [guilty pleasures],” admits Mint downtown’s head trainer, Andrew Kubala. “After a long week of training clients, plus my own workouts, I find myself looking forward to my girlfriend’s homemade wheat-crust pizza and a Miller Light.”
Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms
M&Ms have always been a favorite of Mint trainer John A. Morris, but the dark chocolate kind are really his downfall. “I only indulge in ten in one sitting,” he says, and also points out that dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which help lower blood pressure.
A Burger and Fries
A common craving for triathletes after an enduring race is a burger, which pro triathlete Margie Shapiro knows well, especially after an extra long or hot race. She also admits to having a “huge sweet tooth” and not being afraid to indulge.
A Pint of Ice Cream
“I could put down a pint of Jeni’s in a second,” says Allyn Blind of Synergy. Although Jeni’s isn’t all bad for you—it’s local and organic. Blind’s other indulgence is “authentic and downright delicious barbecue—Southern style.”
Coke Zero
Trainers may usually scold their clients for drinking soda, but personal trainer and life coach Sara Oliveri admits to having a “tumultuous love affair” with this calorie-free drink. “It’s just so refreshing, crisp, spicy, and delicious.”
Cowvin Cookie
Who can resist Sticky Fingers Bakery’s treats? Elie Cossa of City Fitness can’t, especially the vanilla oatmeal cookie sandwich. They’re huge, “so I can eat a quarter at a time and satisfy that sweet craving,” she says. As a plus, they’re vegan and made by a local business so she feels a little less guilty.