Garden Gate Landscaping, Inc.
Since 1964, Garden Gate has been designing, building and maintaining residential gardens in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore metropolitan areas. Through the decades, clients like you have enjoyed our excellent workmanship, superior service and quality products. We create gardens for living and offer service for life. Read More
Contact: 821 Norwood Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905 | 301-924-4131 or 410-869-7710 or 703-531-1303

Merrifield Garden Center
Merrifield Garden Center is an award-winning garden center, nursery and landscaping company that was established in 1971. Since we first opened our doors, our goal has always been to provide you with exceptional quality, superior selection and outstanding service. Family owned and operated by the Warhurst and Williams families, we have grown to become one of the largest and most complete nurseries in the country with over 2,000 varieties of shrubs and trees and over 5,500 varieties of annuals and perennials. Read More
Contact: 8132 Lee Hwy., Merrifield, VA; 703-560-6222 | 12101 Lee Hwy., Fairfax, VA; 703-968-9600 | 6895 Wellington Rd., Gainesville, VA | 703-368-1919
Arentz Landscape Architects 4543 44th St., NW, 202-537-8020; 8014 Charnick Rd., Marshall, Va., 540-341-4330; arentzdc.com.
Barbara Balman Landscape Design 4619 48th St., NW; 202-744-9515; bbalmanlandscapedesign.com.
Chapel Valley Landscape Company 3275 Jennings Chapel Rd., Woodbine, Md., 301-924-5400; 21617 Cedar La., Sterling, 703-406-0802; 20 S. Quaker La., Suite 110, Alexandria, 703-823-5751; chapelvalley.com.
Clinton & Associates, PC 5200 Baltimore Ave., Suite 201, Hyattsville, MD | 301-699-5600
DCA Landscape Architects 1315 Wisconsin Ave., NW; 202-337-1160.
Fine Earth Landscape16815 Budd Rd., Poolesville; 301-983-0800; fineearth.com.
Graham Landscape Architecture 229 Prince George St., Annapolis; 301-858-5330; grahamlandarch.com.
Gregg Bleam Landscape Architect 110-B Second St., NE, Suite 202, Charlottesville; 434-977-3232; gbla.net.
Jane MacLeish Landscapes 3743 Upton St., NW; 202-966-8279; janemacleish.com.
Jordan Honeyman Landscape Architecture 711 Florida Ave., NW; 202-986-0711; jordanhoneyman.com.
Landscape Architecture Bureau 714 Seventh St., SE; 202-543-6550; labindc.com.
Lila Fendrick Landscape Architects 6904 West Ave., Chevy Chase; 301-907-7700; fendrickdesign.com.
McHale Landscape Design Upper Marlboro, 301-599-8300; McLean, 703-760-8600; Annapolis, 410-990-0894; Easton, 410-770-9449; mchalelandscape.com.
Michael Vergason Landscape Architects 1102 King St., Second Floor, Alexandria; 703-836-5557; vergason.net
Oehme, van Sweden & Associates 800 G St., SE; 202-546-7575; ovsla.com.
Scott Brinitzer Design Associates 2300 Ninth St. S., Suite M-1, Arlington; 703-892-0266; brinitzer.com.
Tom Mannion Landscape Design 3219 N. Fourth St., Arlington; 703-528-9098; tommannionlandscapedesign.com.