
Pumpkin Kegs, Guy Fieri’s Loud Car, God and Pickles: Eating & Reading

Our tasty roundup of the best stuff we’re reading this week.

A teenager went on trial this week for stealing Guy Fieri's very on-brand yellow Lamborghini. Photograph courtesy of Shutterstock.

Consuming News

The Brooklyn Nets’ new home is taking a page out of the Nats’ book and going local when it comes to concession stands. So you might have 99 problems, but scouting a handmade Tumbador’s PB&J chocolate bar won’t be one. [NYT]—Sophie Gilbert

“Yummo” goes for you, too, ladies. [Esquire]—Jessica Voelker

NPR celebrates 50 years of James Bond by asking if martinis really are better shaken, not stirred. [NPR]—SG

Famous Food Folk

In “least surprising facts ever,” OF COURSE Guy Fieri owns a yellow Lamborghini. [Grub Street]—Tanya Pai

The Web-based food media world is getting a little crowded. Then again, there’s always room for another article about the lovely Christina Tosi. [Grub Street]—JV

Michael Pollan has another treatise on food and politics in the New York Times, and you should probably read it before it’s made into a movie. [NYT]—SG

Season’s Eatings 

Get in the Halloween spirit with these “super sexy” Halloween costumes, such as a KFC food bowl. [The Awl]—Anna Spiegel

The pumpkin keg: because jack-o’-lanterns are SO last season. And because now you don’t have to spring for that pricey pumpkin-flavored beer. What are you, made of money? [Laughing Squid]—TP

In more decorative gourd news, you can all stop panicking about the Great Pumpkin Spice Latte Shortage of ’12 now, okay? [Eater]—TP

War Stories

Don’t drop the foie gras unless you want your face to get burned: tales of gore and abuse in the pro kitchen. [NYT]—JV

And Because It’s Thursday . . .

God and pickles. [McSweeny’s]—AS

Food Editor

Anna Spiegel covers the dining and drinking scene in her native DC. Prior to joining Washingtonian in 2010, she attended the French Culinary Institute and Columbia University’s MFA program in New York, and held various cooking and writing positions in NYC and in St. John, US Virgin Islands.