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How to Warm Up Sake

As a rule, premium sakes should be served chilled. But sometimes heating sake can reveal lovely new flavors. These methods gently warm the beverage.

Crockpot Method

1. Add water to a crockpot’s bowl until it’s ¾ the height of the bottle you want to heat.

2. Set the temperature to low and heat to 105 degrees—30 minutes to an hour.

3. Open the lid and submerge the sake in the water. Turn off the heat. Leave the sake in the water for 30 minutes.

4. Serve immediately.

Espresso-Machine Method

1. Pour sake into a metal or ceramic pitcher (about 3 ounces a serving).

2. Set the temperature to low and heat to 105 degrees—30 minutes to an hour.

3. Open the lid and submerge the sake in the water. Turn off the heat. Leave the sake in the water for 30 minutes.

4. Steam to 105 degrees.

5. Serve immediately.