
5 More Types of People Not To Be at the Gym

Save the flirting for the dance floor, not the gym floor, people.

Can't we all just get along . . . at the gym? From the flirter to the competitor, there are plenty of annoying habits people tend to have while working out. Photograph courtesy of Shutterstock.

Last year, with the help of our trusty Well+Being readers, we singled out nine types of people not to be at the gym—from the loud grunter to the space invader. But according to follow-up comments, you have even more workout pet peeves to share. As the gym fills up with newbies this time of year, keep an eye out for these annoying habits. 

The Flirter
Really? The look of back sweat and pit stains turns you on enough to interrupt someone’s workout in an attempt to flirt? Though it can be sometimes be flattering in an odd way, one Well+Being commenter says to save the pickup lines for when she’s not “sweating my eyeballs out!”

The Competitor
Admit it, you always sneak a peek at your treadmill neighbor’s speed. While we’re all for a little friendly competition, please don’t turn a simple cardio warmup into an unscheduled race.

The Judger
We see you dressed in head-to-toe Lululemon and judging our ratty college T-shirt. We also saw that smirk when we went for the 10-pounders and you picked up the 25-ers. We all have different strengths and reasons for exercising—instead of ridiculing each other let’s support one another for working toward better health.

The “You’re Doing It Wrong” Musclehead
While it’s painful to watch someone do a set of squats incorrectly, be warned if you attempt to step in. At best, you’ll get a begrudging “thank you”; at worst you’ll be told to mind your own damn business. Our suggestion? Leave advice-giving to the personal trainers.

The Multi-Weight User in the Tiny Gym
We’re all for circuit training, but save some dumbbells for the rest of us—especially when you’re exercising in your tiny apartment or office gym. When you’re finished with a set, either take a shorter break or place the weights back on the rack.