
The Great Doughnut Derby: Migue’s Magnificent vs. Pizzeria Orso

And then there were eight.

Market favorite Migue’s goes up against Pizzeria Orso in the first bout to determine the final four. Photograph courtesy of Migue’s via Facebook.

It’s getting close now, oh doughnut lovers. Despite considerable buzz surrounding the opening of GBD in Dupont, Mount Pleasant neighborhood favorite Heller’s Bakery managed to shut out the new Neighborhood Restaurant Group spot for the last remaining slot in the elite eight.

To determine who will claim the first place in the final four, we need you to pick between two popular options. There’s Migue’s Magnificent Mini Donuts—in the process of changing its name to DC Donuts—known for mini ‘nuts but beginning to expand into larger pastries, too. Then there are the lemony treats at Pizzeria Orso—the creations of chef Will Artley that have attracted many a fan in our first two rounds. Who will it be? Vote before 5 and check back Monday for the winner.