We’ve long been proponents of the Tabata workout, which somehow leaves us sweating and aching in just four minutes. In fact, a new study proves that the Tabata workout is five times more effective than engaging in traditional cardio. Participants who performed a sequence of 20 seconds of squat jumps and 10 seconds of rest eight times burned 13.5 calories per minute.
If you’ve yet to try Tabata, we’ve got you covered. Read on for various Tabata workouts you can do on your own or at local fitness studios and gyms—and be prepared to feel the burn.
Bike: Tabata at Biker Barre
Biker Barre claims this class will leave you breathless—and we can attest to that after trying it out one night. Expect plenty of sprints and hills for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest in this high-energy, fast-paced cycling class.
Burpee Tabata Workout
We know—burpees suck. But that just means they’re getting the job done, as will boot-camp and cycling instructor Grant Hill’s burpee Tabata workout.
Tabata Class at Equinox
Equinox’s group class flies through seemingly simple exercises, such as walking lunges and air squats, using the Tabata method. Expect to sweat—and be very sore the next day.
Tabata Core at Vida Fitness
Vida Fitness offers quick ab-blasting classes daily. Lucky for nonmembers, we’ve got the workout here. Perform four core exercises eight times each and you’ll be beach-body ready in no time.
The Living Room Tabata Workout
This Pinterest workout makes use of your living room and requires no equipment. Get ready to perform mountain climbers, squat jumps, burpees, lunges, situps, and more in less than 15 minutes.