This post has been updated from its original version.
It’s likely most of us will be stuck indoors over the weekend, thanks to our looming snowstorm that could be “ranked among the most memorable [snowstorms] on record.” But don’t let that be an excuse for you to pack on the pounds with all of those snacks you stocked up on. We rounded up a bunch of our at-home workouts for you to try. Now get to work!
4 Stay-at-Home Workouts
These workouts use household equipment such as a gallon of milk, a bottle of laundry detergent, and a towel. You’ll work your quads, gluts, hamstrings, core—pretty much every muscle in your body.
The At-Home Chair Workout
Grab your nearest sturdy chair and start sweating! This customizable workout focuses on muscle strength, endurance, and stretching to improve flexibility.
The 15-Minute At-Home Yoga Workout
If being cooped up inside is making you a little stir-crazy, take some deep breaths and try this at-home yoga workout. Your mind—and body—will thank you for it.
5 Core-Strengthening Plank Exercises
When that second helping of chips has gotten the best of you, drop to the floor and start strengthening your core. Just a few of these plank variations will have your abs shaking.
The Family-Fun Harry Potter Workout
While you still have power, pop in your favorite Harry Potter DVD and start blasting the calories. Every time a spell is cast, do ten jumping jacks. Every time someone says “Voldemort,” do five pushups.
The Ladder Pushup Workout
Use your downtime to perfect your pushup form. This ladder workout leads up to performing 47 pushups in 20 minutes.
The Perfect 10 Workout
This Pinterest workout involves performing ten reps of ten exercises, including tuck jumps, lunges, burpees, and pushups. Try to go through the exercises as many times as you can within 30 minutes.