To explore more of “Our Year of Trump,” a look at how our city has dealt with 12 exhausting months, click here.
It was the great cliché of 2016: If someone had written the year as a novel—a reality-show tycoon violates every rule of political decorum and becomes President—it would have been panned for being ludicrous. If anything, the 2017 sequel was even more far-fetched: The victory, it turned out, may have been aided by a foreign power. Now a prosecutor was on the case, with the presidency hanging in the balance. As 2018 looms, we decided to take our own stab at the story. We asked a handful of fiction writers—from different backgrounds and genres—to each write a story set in the new year. Can their scenarios manage to be stranger than life? Check back in a year. Stories edited by Howard Means.
These stories appear in the December 2017 issue of Washingtonian.
In the bunker after the apocalypse—or was it?
It’s 2018, and someone in Crawford, Texas, thinks he has the secret to a GOP comeback.
A novelist gets a call from the president: “write a book tearing me apart.”
A trip to see the White House Christmas Tree—and answer some questions from men in suits.
A presidential offer to a forgotten constituency—at a price.