Much work in Washington will stop Thursday at 10 AM as the Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing about Christine Blasey Ford‘s allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her when the two were in high school. But not everyone will be glued to their televisions: Activists have planned demonstrations of support around town for both Ford and Kavanaugh. Here are the ones we know about so far. Email me if you know of others!
Support for Christine Blasey Ford
Women’s March–#CancelKavanaugh
Organizers behind the Women’s March plan to continue their Survivors Week of Action with a procession and nationwide rallies on Thursday in support for Ford. In Washington, they’re planning a direct action at 9 AM in the Hart Senate Office Building, 120 Constitution Ave, Northeast, with a moment of silence at 12:30 PM.
Linda Sarsour, an organizer with the Women’s March, says that they’re expecting lots of people. “Many of the leaders of the women’s march were between the ages of 8 and 12 during the Anita Hill hearings, so we’re kind of in this moment were we’re like ‘not our generation, we’re not just going to let her go in there alone, we’re going to be here and show her solidarity.’”
At 1 PM, they plan to rally at the Capitol reflecting pool and march to the Supreme Court. The action is supported by a wide variety of liberal groups including the Center for Popular Democracy, NARAL Pro Choice America, and Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
“This is our moment. We’re calling on women and those who stand in solidarity with women to be there tomorrow,” Sarsour says. “I think this particular Senate Judiciary committee and this administration are not taking us seriously.”
DC Men Supporting Hear Our Voice
Arlington man Daniel Torbett has organized a solidarity speakout, an event associated with the Women’s March, for men to come out and show their support for Ford and other women. While the event is not exclusively for men, Torbett says he organized it for “men that might not feel comfortable in participating to support our sisters and wives and daughters” in actions specifically organized around and for women.
DC Men Supporting Hear Our Voice will gather on Thursday at 11:30 AM near the Dirksen Senate Office Building, at around 201 1st Street, Northeast, and plan to rally until 3 PM. While Torbett was originally disappointed with the number of responses he’d gotten, he says 61 people have now RSVP’d for the protest.
Support for Brett Kavanaugh
“I Stand With Brett” Rally
A coalition of conservative women’s groups will host a rally on Capitol Hill Thursday to support Kavanaugh’s nomination. They plan to gather at 8:30 AM in the Lower Senate Park, which is located behind the Russell Senate Office Building between C and D Streets, Northeast.
Representatives from the Judicial Crisis Network, Tea Party Patriots, Concerned Women for America, the Susan B. Anthony List, The Conservative Millennial, and the Independent Women’s Forum are scheduled to speak at the event.