A small fire broke out on the roof of Adams Morgan coffeehouse Tryst today. A quick-thinking employee of Madam’s Organ next door grabbed one of their fire extinguishers and attacked the fire from the second-floor balcony until firefighters were able to arrive and completely put it out.
“It was a very, very smart swift action,” says DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services spokesperson Vito Maggiolo. “It prevented it from spreading further.”
The fire was quickly extinguished, and no injuries were reported. The exact cause is unknown, but it appeared to be accidental, says Maggiolo.
Tryst owner Constantine Stavropoulos was traveling out of the country but said he heard from from Adams Morgan Partnership BID executive director Kristen Barden that everything appeared to be okay. Barden says Tryst will be closed the rest of today and possibly tomorrow but should reopen by Wednesday.
Madam’s Organ—and its iconic red-haired, large-breasted mural—escaped the fire unscathed. Owner Bill Duggan was away at the beach, but he says he was alerted to the fire by Maggiolo, who happens to be a regular at the bar.