About Umbrage Court
Umbrage Court adjudicates the extremely minor problems of urban living and strives to bring clarity to the Urban Compact. If you have business before the court, please email [email protected].
A Taco Bell Cantina is planned for Columbia Heights this spring. As DCist reports, the prospect of a Taco Bell Cantina—a swankier version of the fast-food restaurant whose locations often serve beer, sangria, and “Twisted Freezes”—has violently divided some segments of DC Twitter. This special edition of Umbrage Court will help you decide how to approach the Columbia Heights Taco Bell Cantina.
I would not like to go to the Taco Bell Cantina
Good news: Eating at Taco Bell is still optional in this country.
I would like to go to the Taco Bell Cantina
Live Más, my friend.
No matter what decision you make, no one who feels otherwise should be affected. Thank you for reading Umbrage Court.