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The Quarantine Questionnaire: Holley Simmons of She Loves Me and The Lemon Collective

The lifestyle guru talks about talking to her plants and 16 more ways she's passing the time.

Coronavirus 2020

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What’s the best thing you’ve streamed? Most useful thing in your freezer? Dream day when this is all over? In search of inspiration—and, let’s be honest, a bit of voyeurism—we’re asking Washingtonians (current and recently-former) how they’re passing the time and getting through quarantine. Here’s Holley Simmons, co-founder of The Lemon Collective and owner of the Petworth floral shop She Loves Me. (The store is closed but still delivering and hosting workshops.) 

Holley Simmons’s Mount Pleasant apartment, full of flowers awaiting delivery

Best podcast I’ve listened to: The Jada Pinkett Smith episode of On Purpose. It’s an old one, but I only just now heard it.

Best virtual event I’ve attended: I FaceTimed with my grandma in Richmond while she watched the Wendy Williams Show. We are both extreme extroverts and were desperate for the company.

Song/album on repeat: Fiona Apple’s latest

Most useful thing in the freezer: Dinosaur-shaped frozen chicken nuggets

Least useful thing in the freezer: All those stock-piled bananas that I’m kidding myself about turning into banana bread

Quarantine goal: Make a decent English Muffin. My first two attempts were … lacking to put it gently.

Favorite comfort food to make at home: Bowl of rice with a poached egg

Go-to at-home cocktail: Tecate with a lime

Worst part of the day: When Netflix asks me if I’m still watching The Office

Best purchase: Spindrift grapefruit sparkling water monthly auto delivery via Amazon

Favorite quarantine activity: Playing virtual Settlers of Catan with friends

Working out or not working out: I try to do yoga every day! I have a few friends that I FaceTime with and we press “play” at the same time on the same video. It’s encouraging to have a partner.

Person I’d most like to spend a day quarantined with: My bestie AJ Dronkers,, [associate editor of EdibleDC]. I miss him something crazy!

Favorite place at home to quarantine: My sunroom where I have full-length conversations with my plants.

Most memorable quarantine fail: Clogging every drain in the house three times over. See next answer.

Best coping mechanism: Flower arranging! We are continuing to do deliveries, so my apartment is serving as a de facto flower shop. Twice a week my living room is FLOODED with fresh blooms. It’s been a great creative release for me and a lovely way to kill time.

Dream day once this all ends: Dancing in a crowded, sweaty room, doesn’t matter where.

Kristen Hinman
Articles Editor

Kristen Hinman has been editing Washingtonian’s features since 2014. She joined the magazine after editing politics & policy coverage for Bloomberg Businessweek and working as a staff writer for Voice Media Group/Riverfront Times.