News & Politics

Pete and Chasten Buttigieg Are Becoming Parents

Secretary Buttigieg announced the news on Twitter.

Chasten and Pete Buttigieg photograph by Chuck Kennedy/Pete for America.

Ever since the low-drama Biden adminstration came to power, Transportation Secretary and onetime presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has been a rare commodity in Washington: A political-class celebrity. Sightings of the former South Bend, Indiana mayor biking around Navy Yard, waiting in line for bagels and dining out with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have been widely documented; one restaurant he visited saw fit to announce their star turns to the world.

And now, as if on cue, Buttigieg and his husband Chasten Buttigieg are offering fans a new reason for excitement: A new baby.

In a Tuesday afternoon tweet, Buttigieg announced the blessed event, saying he and Chasten have “become parents,” adding that the process isn’t over yet.

The prospect of a Baby Buttigieg is not entirely news. Buried down in the Washington Post’s July profile of Chasten, he said the couple had been trying to adopt for a year, “going through home studies and parenting workshops, writing up descriptions of their family values and ideal weekends.”