News & Politics

Here’s Why Everyone Is Talking About Nancy Pelosi’s White Suit

The Speaker of the House announced that she would not seek reelection as the Democratic leader.

When Nancy Pelosi arrived at the Capitol today to announce, ultimately, that she’d be stepping down from her role as Speaker of the House, the internet went abuzz with comments on what she was wearing.

Typically, those kinds of observations trigger a collective eye roll—and this afternoon, they still did (just search “Nancy Pelosi White Suit” on Twitter and you’ll see). But Pelosi has a history of seemingly intentional wardrobe selections—she wore the same suit to each of Trump’s impeachments—and today’s look, some believe, was meant to be noticed and to send a message.

The white suit—referenced often as “suffragette” white for its association with the women’s voting-rights movement—has been a symbolic go-to for Pelosi over the years (further evidence: this New York Times article called “Nancy Pelosi and the Persistent White Pantsuit.”)

Let’s go through a brief recent history, shall we? Pelosi has worn white…

On Feb 28, 2017, for then-President Trump’s address to joint session of Congress.

On November 19, 2021, when the House passed the Build Back Better bill.

December 5, 2019, when she announced that House Democrats would draft articles of impeachment against Trump.

On February 4 2020, at Trump’s State of the Union address (the night she infamously tore up her copy of the address).

Oh and the pin she wore today? Pelosi also wore it on that speech-ripping night in 2020. It was designed by Georgetown jeweler Ann Hand.

Amy Moeller
Fashion & Weddings Editor

Amy leads Washingtonian Weddings and writes Style Setters for Washingtonian. Prior to joining Washingtonian in March 2016, she was the editor of Capitol File magazine in DC and before that, editor of What’s Up? Weddings in Annapolis.