Things to Do

After Hours Giveaway: Arcade Fire

After Hours is doing an Arcade Fire ticket giveaway for their show on Friday, May 4. Read below for more.

I feel pretty safe in saying that Arcade Fire is more or less the hottest indie band currently around. The Montreal group broke through the scene two years ago with their stunner of an album, the gorgeous Funeral. Their new album, Neon Bible, is another epic, melodic piece of work. The band's also known for their live shows; having seen them twice, I can attest that they put on one of the best concerts I've seen, full of energy, frenzy and passionate rock. Everyone else seems to be aware of the buzz about their live show, too: tickets to their Friday, May 4 show at DAR Constitution Hall sold out in a matter of minutes.

So it's with excitement that After Hours is giving away a ticket to Friday's sold-out show (yes, just one ticket. Sorry! It's just the way things worked out. Better than zero, right?). All you need to do is email me at candrews AT washingtonian DOT com about why you want to go to the show. Please use the subject line "Arcade Fire Contest." Entries need to be emailed by Thursday at 4pm (I'm extending the deadline); I'll announce the winner later that afternoon.  Good luck!