Introducing Ask Harry & Louise

A husband and wife’s unique perspectives on your questions.

Ask us. We hope to enlighten, contend, perhaps amuse, in response.

Come to us with questions about matters you find terribly vexing or merely annoying. Send us queries about your love life, home life, and work life; about your family, your friends, your colleagues.

We will answer from two very different perspectives. Near as we can tell, we are unique in offering both a female and a male point of view.

LOUISE SAYS: I’m a small-town girl, born and raised in Berryville, Virginia. I teach literature and history at an independent school, where my daughter attends the sixth grade. I graduated from the University of Virginia, studied film, adore Jane Austen, and can’t resist strappy sandals and high heels.

HARRY SAYS: I’m a Philly boy who settled years ago in Washington, DC, where I raised three daughters. I am a veteran journalist covering local affairs, from crime to politics, business to sports—and now advice. I have survived hippie days in Vermont, taught in Rome, and trekked in Chile and Vietnam, and I live to ride my bike.

We are an improbable pair—“shocking,” as Louise’s father once said. One Sunday seven years ago, we each missed an afternoon flight out of Denver. We got the last two seats on a midnight plane to Washington, talked for five hours, and have yet to stop. We married and now divide our time, with our children, between homes in Berryville, where we raise vegetables and honey, and Washington’s Logan Circle.

Love and laughter, plenty; rage and redemption, too. Perfection? No.

What about you?

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