Major League Baseball is back. It's been 33 years since Washington experienced the thrill of opening day–the first pitch, the first crack of the bat, the first hot dog. There are questions to be answered about the stadium, owners, and management–even the team name–but the great American game is coming home to the nation's capital. Which is as it should be.
Baseball is the truly democratic sport: Players don't have to be seven feet tall or superstrong. Any kid can play–and aspire to the big leagues. It's a game where a dad can take his son or daughter without buying a season ticket or spending a fortune.
This year the Boston Red Sox proved baseball's power to unite and inspire. With the aftertaste of a long, hard political season lingering, Washington could use some cheering. So here's to April 15, when once again we'll listen to those two sweet words: Play ball!
Washingtonian staff contributing to this section were Chuck Conconi, Sherri Dalphonse, Susan Davidson, Mary Clare Fleury, Cynthia Hacinli, Thomas Head, Stephanie Jones, Ann Limpert, Drew Lindsay, Chad Lorenz, Leslie Milk, William O'Sullivan, Cindy Rich, and Jeremy Stahl. Also contributing were writers Cathy Alter, Ann Cochran, and Jenny Sullivan.