Things to Do

Chat With Travis Morrison on Friday

On Friday, May 2,Travis Morrison will join us for an online chat. He plays at the Black Cat May 3.

The DC musical community was just a little bit heartbroken when the Dismemberment Plan broke up back in 2003. A predecessor to the dance-rock movement, the Plan played together for 10 years and had an extremely loyal fan base in DC and throughout the country. Though they reunited briefly for two reunion shows at the Black Cat back in 2007, they've kept their separate ways—and Travis Morrison, former frontman of the band, continues his solo work with his group, Travis Morrison and the Hellfighters.

Though Morrison has since moved to Brooklyn, he's very much a Washingtonian at heart, having grown up in the area and lived here most of his life. He'll be back in the city this Saturday, May 3 at the Black Cat for a show, and the day before the show, he was kind enough to do an online chat with (today at 11 AM). So ask him anything you want—about that Pitchfork review, about his new album, and why the heck he'd leave DC for NYC. Submit a question in advance here.