News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo from the VIP opening reception of the Richard Avedon exhibit at the Corcoran. Check back later for a full write-up of the event.

Last night, food critic Todd Kliman participated in what he calls the "first ever real-time restaurant review" of Alain Ducasse's Adour. Using his Blackberry and Twitter, he sent real-time updates of his thoughts while eating at the restaurant. You can check out the results here.

Interested in the DC primary election results? DCist kept a running tab last night. Big news was that newcomer Patrick Mara beat out Carol Schwartz. Also big news—some of the results were clouded by controversy in numbers.

Guess what? The Large Hadron Collider was switched on this morning in an attempt to recreate conditions of the Big Bang, and the world didn't get sucked into a massive black hole. Hooray!

why.i.hate.dc comes up with the "DC Douche Quiz." We're afraid to take it.