UPDATE: This event is now sold out! But check back next week—we may be able to open up some extra spots closer to October 16.
Hey there, Washingtonian.com readers! We hope you know how much we appreciate you—and now we want to show it. We’re announcing our first-ever Reader Happy Hour—Thursday, October 16, on the beautiful rooftop of the Highland Park apartment complex in DC’s Columbia Heights neighborhood.
Join us starting at 5:30 for drinks, appetizers, great views of the city, and a chance to mingle with hundreds of other Washingtonian.com readers (not to mention the Washingtonian.com staff—we’re kind of a big deal). Help us celebrate fall with great food, drinks, and your company!
Details below.
Not familiar with the Columbia Heights neighborhood? It's a vibrant neighborhood north of the U Street area, filled with new development—and not to mention some of our favorite spots! There are restaurants like CommonWealth, Pete's Apizza, The Heights, and more.
RSVP here to attend. Space is limited, so do it soon!
Where: Highland Park, 1400 Irving St., NW, above the Columbia Heights Metro stop on the Green Line
When: Thursday, October 16, 5:30 – 8 PM
Cost: Free! But you must RSVP to attend. We’ll be checking names at the door, and if you haven’t registered, you won’t be admitted. Space is limited, so sign up sooner rather than later.
We're excited to see you!
Special thanks to Donatelli Development for hosting this event.