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Listen Up! Year in Review Edition

This week, Listen Up!, our music column, looks back at the year that was. So long, 2008. You gave us Fleet Foxes, MGMT, and Katy Perry (and, um, we liked it). What was your favorite song of ’08? Let us know in the comments and we’ll add your suggestion to

This year will be remembered by most as the year the first African-American was elected to office. Others will remember it as the year Tina Fey went from “nerdy Tina” to “pinup Tina”—mostly thanks to the crazy, pretty lady from Wasilla, Alaska. Still, some will remember it as the year Project Runway said auf wiedersehen and (apparently) meant it.

We’ll remember 2008 as the year that made us want to run into the woods in search of solitude and inspiration (thanks, Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, and Blitzen Trapper) before coming right back out, energized and ready for the dance-floor tunes of Cut Copy, Hot Chip, MGMT, and Santogold.

Now, we could have a tedious discussion comparing this year’s music releases with last’s—or get all Pitchfork on you and extol the lyrics and rhythm behind every single song we picked out, but we won’t do that. Here’s why: (a) We’re feeling lazy (hello, holidays, anyone?) and would rather let you do the discussing—or bitching—in the comments; also (b) we don’t really have the hip music cred to do so, but mostly because (c) we spent most of last year like this, so we don’t remember much of anything, really.

Anyway, we’re out. Don’t forget to leave your suggestions in the comments, and have a happy Christmas and even better new year, dear reader. See ya in the ’09!

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