And you thought the only health-care problems in Washington were those that came in the debate over the congressional legislation. Turns out this year was especially hard on officials at all levels. In fact, President Obama may have signed more casts and get-well cards than bills.
• Congressman Pete Olson had a pacemaker installed on March 12 after he fainted while working out in the House gym.
• Senator Chuck Grassley’s pants caught fire and his leg was burned by an April bonfire in Iowa.
• Reggie Love, Obama’s personal aide known as his “body man,” needed seven stitches in his chin after a collision with another player during a White House pickup basketball game on May 9.
• House Rules Committee spokesman Vince Morris experienced a freak medical emergency on May 10 when he accidentally inhaled several ants.
• Then–Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor fractured her ankle June 8 after stumbling in a New York airport.
• Texas governor Rick Perry broke his right collarbone while mountain-biking near his house west of Austin on June 9.
• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fractured her right elbow during a June 17 fall on the way to the White House.
• Senator Barbara Mikulski broke her ankle in three places as she was walking down steps on July 19.
• South Carolina governor Mark Sanford sprained both wrists and got a small hairline fracture in a September 19 bike accident with his son.
• Thanks to two fractured feet, former House majority leader Tom DeLay bowed out of Dancing With the Stars on October 6.
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