Andropogon & Bohlin Cywinski Jackson. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

Nelson Boyd Woltz Landscape Architect & Paul Murdoch Architects. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

OLIN & Weiss/Manfredi. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

Rogers Marvel Architects & Peter Walker and Partners. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

Diller Scofidio Refro & Hood Design. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

Michael Maltzan Architecture & Tom Leader Studio. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

OLIN & Weiss/Manfredi. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

Balmori Associates & Work Architecture Company. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

Diller Scofidio Renfro & Hood Design. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

Gustafson Guthrie Nichol & Davis Brody Bond. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

Pei Cobb Freed & Partners & Workshop: Ken Smith Landscape Architect. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.

Snohetta & AECOM. Photograph courtesy of the Trust for the National Mall.