Fashion designer Carolina Herrera arrives at the luncheon to be greeted by Saks Fifth Avenue president Ron Frasch. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
The beautifully decorated ballroom at the Ritz-Carlton West End, before the guests took their seats for the luncheon and a Carolina Herrera fashion show. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Diane Sykes and Sis Saturn. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Some of the ladies who lunched: Corki Davidoff, Buff Leniham, Joann Swift, Barbara Mendlowitz, and Tina Alster. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Looking through the items at the silent auction, which included two puppies. Deborah Lembo puts her name down for an item while Lyn McFadden and Karla Ayala stand by. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Laura Bisogniero, wife the Italian ambassador, on the left, and Giosetta Capriati, on their way from the Alzheimer’s disease “progress report” lecture to the ballroom for the luncheon and fashion show. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Adrianna Beer, Janet Phillips, and Grace Bender. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Carolina Herrera listens to Ina Ginsburg, who is known for her involvement with the Washington Opera, but was once in Andy Warhol’s entourage and was the Washington correspondent for his Interview magazine. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Norah O’Donnell of CBS News in a Carolina Herrera dress and Estée Lauder lipstick. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Patricia Sagon says hello to visiting New Yorker Leonard Lauder, the retired head of the Estée Lauder Companies and one of the executive chairs of the Great Ladies Luncheon and Fashion Show. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Interior design partners Paul Sherrill and José Solís Betancourt with lawyer David Deckelbaum. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
One of the puppies up for sale, an Imperial Shih Tzu, gets shown off on the runway. He was won as a door prize by Carol Winer. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
A 1.5-pound Yorkshire terrier puppy, here on the runway, sold for $1,500. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Carolina Herrera reads a letter from former First Lady Nancy Reagan after she accepted an award on Reagan’s behalf. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
A sparkly Carolina Herrera evening gown drew applause from the luncheon guests. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
A rose-colored Herrera ballgown. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
Featured with several of the Carolina Herrera designs: elbow-length gloves. Photograph by Jeff Martin.
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