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Guide to Washington, DC: Popular Stores for Food and Drink

Culinary delights await you at these Washington shopping locations.

Eastern Market, DC’s oldest farmers market, offers everything from fresh fish to organic heirloom tomatoes. Photograph by Randy Santos.


Eastern Market
This Capitol Hill institution is a boon for locals. In the main hall you’ll find baked goods, cheeses, fresh pasta, poultry, and meats; head outside during weekend hours to shop from dozens of local fruit and vegetable vendors.

225 Seventh St., SE; 202-698-5253; easternmarket-dc.org. Metro Station: Eastern Market.


Fleurir Hand Grown Chocolates
Picture-perfect husband-and-wife team Robert Ludlow and Ashley Hubbard use Valrhona chocolate in their confections, which range from dark chocolate bars to handcrafted seasonal caramels.

3235 P St., NW; 202-465-4368; fleurirchocolates.com. Metro Station: Foggy Bottom.


Co Co. Sala
This romantic restaurant and chocolate boutique has a one-track mind: all chocolate, all the time. The store offers a wealth of sweet treats, from handmade fruit-and-nut-studded chocolate bars to seasonal specials (chocolate Champagne corks, spicy hot chocolate).

929 F St., NW; 202-347-4265; cocosala.com. Metro Station: Metro Center.

Cowgirl Creamery
Yes, this eclectic cheese­monger does a healthy sandwich trade come lunchtime, but it’s also one of the best vendors in the area, with specialty cheeses such as the soft and mellow St. Pat, Sparkenhoe Red Leicester from England, and nutty Piedmont from Northern Virginia.

919 F St., NW; 202-393-6880; cowgirl­creamery.com. Metro Station: Metro Center.


Cork Market & Tasting Room
This deli/wine store, owned by the folks behind neighborhood wine bar Cork, has a well-curated old-world wine list, along with an array of imported cheeses and charcuterie, sandwiches, and house-made baked goods (don’t miss the Sunday doughnuts).

1805 14th St., NW; 202-265-2674; corkdc.com. Metro Station: Georgia Avenue-Petworth.

Seasonal Pantry
This Shaw storefront ­doubles as a neighborhood market by day and a supper club by night. The ­market stocks items from house-made pickles and chicken stock to potted chicken liver and pâtés, along with French macarons, fresh croissants, and other baked goods.

1314½ Ninth St., NW; 202-713-9866; seasonalpantry.com. Metro Station: Shaw-Howard University.