The White House caused quite a stir this weekend when it finally published the recipes for its house-brewed Honey Ale and Honey Porter. A few other local brewing operations (the White House is local, after all) are looking in to reproducing it, as the City Paper reported today. And beer writer John Fleury told Best Bites Blog this morning he’s working with fellow homebrewers to amass as many DMV-sourced ingredients as possible to use in recreating the recipes.
With all the excitement over the news, we felt compelled to check in with Brody Burks, the Texas Lawyer who famously submitted a Freedom of Information Act request asking for the recipe to be released.
“I’ve already ordered the ingredients to brew up my own batch of White House Honey Ale, but I’ve had more requests for samples from my friends than I could ever keep up with,” he told us. Burks was especially intrigued by the inclusion of biscuit malt—a Belgian malt often used in English ales and porters—in the ale recipe. “It will be the perfect wintertime beer. Same for the porter—a bit darker and fuller bodied due to the black malt and chocolate malt.” He doesn’t think he’ll have trouble executing the recipes. “Home-brewing is an equal opportunity hobby and the White House brews
their beer in exactly the same way I brew beer in my little white shed,”
he told us.
We look forward to a future replete with new versions of the two beers. Check back here for updates.
See Also:
White House FOIA Request Author Says Obama Has Obligations to the Home-Brewing Community