News & Politics

Washingtonians Watch More Porn Than Anyone Else in the Country

A new survey finds DC tops the list of adult videos watched per capita.

Washington has plenty to be proud of when it comes to
rankings. We have some of the
best hospitals, Forbes thinks we’re very cool, and we are the
favorite city for young
adults to move to after college.

But the most current ranking isn’t exactly something
you want to brag to Grandma about.
According to a survey conducted by, DC residents
watch more porn per capita
than people who live elsewhere in the US.

To be more precise, DC residents watched 14.18 porn videos per capita. That’s almost
double the amount of videos watched by residents in Hawaii, the second-ranked state.

There also appeared to be a trend in the states that viewed the most porn videos in
2012. Every state that topped the list is located in the Northeast: New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey, followed by our
close friends in Maryland.

The day most people watched porn in 2012? December 27.