
The Great Doughnut Derby: Starbucks vs. Al Dente

Nugget-size ’nuts on New Mexico Avenue, or the cakey pastries on every block? You decide.

Bite-sized doughnuts at Al Dente are rolled in lemon sugar and served with chocolate dipping sauce. Photograph courtesy of Al Dente.

First things first, doughnut fans: It’s time to announce the winner of Monday’s bout. By a wide margin, the Palm beat out Poste to go on to round two of our March Madness-style competition. Be sure to follow along at home with your brackets. At the end of this journey, someone is going home with a $50 gift certificate to the winning fried-puff purveyor.

But first: another faceoff. You’ll recall that last week tiny Migue’s Magnificent took on the global powerhouse Krispy Kreme and managed to walk away with a win. Let’s see if neighborhood favorite Al Dente—soon to welcome a little sister restaurant—can continue the streak as it takes on the giant green mermaid. Al Dente serves nugget-size holes called bombolini along with gooey chocolate dipping sauce, while Starbucks stocks full-sized pastries as well as the addictive (and adorable) bite-size rings known as “minis.”

See also:

Announcing: the Great Doughnut Derby

Tabard Inn vs. Lyon Hall

The Palm vs. Poste