Welcome to the final first-round battle of the Great Sandwich Smackdown! Tomorrow we head into the quarterfinals, which promises some close competitions: The current standings pit DGS Delicatessen against Shawafel, G by Mike Isabella against Taylor Gourmet, and Bub and Pop’s against the Italian Store. Georgetown favorite Stachowski’s emerged the victor yesterday, so it’s up to today’s round between Bayou Bakery and Hank’s Oyster Bar to see who takes on the Big Bad Butcher.
Our Wednesday round sees Jamie Leeds’s New England-style seafood spot (which also happens to make a mean fried shrimp po’ boy) up against the Louisiana-inspired bakery from David Guas. The Bakery’s “muff-a-lotta” is among the best of its kind in Washington (and vegetarians claim allegiance to the dragged-through-the-garden “veg-head”)—and you can argue the same about Hank’s lobster roll. It’s up to you to choose who proceeds to the next round of this carb-tastic competition.