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TV Recap: Homeland, Season 4, Episode 12, “Long Time Coming”

After a few great episodes, the season finale was a big letdown.

We never thought we'd see this day. Photograph by David Bloomer for Showtime.

As far as season finales go, this one was kind of a dud. The episodes leading up to it were action-filled and suspenseful, which made this one fall especially flat. Last week (like a fool), I believed that Dar Adal was hanging out with Haqqani in order to get closer to him for some sort of plan to eliminate him. Turns out that plan was to let Haqqani go about his merry way and never get justice for Fara and Aayan.

It was nice to see Carrie interacting with her family and to get background on her mom, but that all came out of nowhere in order to set up Carrie’s realization about Quinn. Speaking of, we finally got a Carrie and Quinn makeout session, and I have to admit, it wasn’t as awkward as I thought it was going to be.

Here’s where we found everyone at the close of the season.

Saul Berenson

Best moment: Going to Carrie’s dad’s funeral was nice, I guess.

Worst moment: Oh hey, Saul, remember when you were okay with letting the man who kidnapped you go if it means you can be director of the CIA again?

Number of times Saul betrayed Carrie (and America) this episode: One.

Peter Quinn

Best moment: Quinn hanging around with baby Frannie was the cutest thing we’ve seen all season.

Worst moment: Who disconnects their cell phone in a matter of hours? You couldn’t have kept that on until you left, Quinn? Is Carrie really the only person you talk to?

Number of seconds he stood in silence with Carrie before they kissed: Eleven.

Carrie Mathison

Best moment: Carrie is so likable these days! While giving her father’s eulogy, she showed all of the emotions I’ve been wanting from her all season.

Worst moment: Not telling Quinn about Dar Adal was a big mistake in retrospect. At least it would have kept him from going out on a never-ending death mission.

Number of times Carrie thought about baby Frannie: We had a ton of fun with baby Frannie this episode. She’s here to stay, y’all.

A lot went down this season, but things still feel unresolved. Here are a few of the standout moments:

  • Best moment: When Carrie went off her meds and we got a surprise Damian Lewis cameo. It just felt so right.
  • Worst moment: We lost a few likable characters, but Fara’s death was definitely the saddest thing to happen this season (sorry, Aayan). Her death makes what’s happening with Haqqani all the worse now.

We already know Homeland is coming back for a fifth season. What do you predict for next time around? Share your thoughts in the comments.