Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
This organization unites community groups and businesses in cleanup efforts and engages “citizen scientists” to monitor the water quality of rivers and streams.
To donate or volunteer:
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
The 49-year-old CBF reigns as the bay’s top advocate, educator, litigator, and fundraiser. Its biennial State of the Bay report grades the health of the watershed.
To donate or volunteer:
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Created by the Maryland General Assembly, the CBT awards grants for bay protection and restoration projects. If your car sports a TREASURE THE CHESAPEAKE license plate, you’ve already made a donation.
To donate or volunteer:
Chesapeake Conservancy
This organization connects people with the bay by cosponsoring programs such as Watermen Heritage Tours.
To donate:
Chesapeake Legal Alliance
CLA finds and coordinates attorneys who work pro bono to represent citizens’ groups, environmental organizations, and individuals in cases involving the health of the watershed.
To donate or volunteer:
Eastern Shore Land Conservancy
This nonprofit strives to preserve farmland and natural areas on the Eastern Shore. Its environmental-education arm exposes kids to the natural world via field trips and special programs.
To donate:
League of Conservation Voters
“Political voices for the environment,” the LCVs in Maryland and Virginia release annual “scorecards” rating the environmental friendliness of state political leaders.
To donate or volunteer: Maryland,; Virginia,
Oyster Recovery Partnership
This nonprofit works to bring back the oyster population. It’s planted nearly 6 billion oysters and recycled 78,000 bushels of shells, providing homes for new oysters. (It also sells cool oyster police T-shirts online.)
To donate or volunteer:
Waterkeepers Chesapeake
A coalition representing 19 riverkeepers who monitor the health of the watershed’s waterways.
To donate or volunteer:
This article appears in our July 2016 issue of Washingtonian.