News & Politics

Food Money Sex: Pot Cookies and a Vibrator Necklace “Everyone Should Own”

The weekend consumption diary for a random Washingtonian.

In Food Money Sex, we ask anonymous Washingtonians to diary the food they ate, the money they spent, and the sex they had over the course of their weekends. On Mondays, we put it on the internet. This week:

  • Does: Writes for a nonprofit, 27
  • Lives: Apartment with two roommates (women of the Craigslist variety)
  • Is: Female
  • Makes: $57k ish
  • Married? Taken. Dating for about a year and a half.
  • Friday: The day started with iced coffee from Filter in Dupont, followed by many brought-from-home meals and snacks, including: Fage 2% Greek yogurt, Life cereal, homemade salad (cherry tomatoes, corn, artichokes), Bark Thins chocolate with pepitas, more yogurt and cereal. Had a sugar-free iced, cinnamon, almond milk macchiato from Starbucks, and I’m not even embarrassed by that order. At night I had a Stoli (raspberry) and soda at DC9, a frozen Beans and Greens dinner from Trader Joe’s, and 1/2 of a pot cookie (chocolate chip, with chocolate dipping).
  • Saturday: Prepared for a long, hot volunteer gig at the Samantha Bee’s Not the White House Correspondents’ Dinner with some Trader Joe’s nonfat Greek yogurt, Cheerios, and more iced coffee from Filter. Two Cliff Bars. Two giant Gatorades. Three happy hour cocktails from Ghibellina and shared pizzas (funghi and olive e carciofi). Lactaid pills, always. The other 1/2 of the pot cookie when I got home, followed by three non-THC containing cookies (THIN MINTS > TAGALONGS).
  • Sunday: Trader Joe’s yogurt and cereal before heading to Billy Goat for a short 3.5 mile hike. Went straight to Duke’s on Connecticut (hot tip: shorter wait times than 17th street), where  I ordered the “soft scramble eggs” that came with an estimated 7+ scrambled eggs, toast, arugula, and tomatoes. Homemade avocado pasta for dinner. Sauce = avocado, lemon juice, salt, 1/2 cup of starchy pasta water. Add brown rice pasta, snap peas and shallots sautéed with olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice. Grilled corn sprinkled on there, too. A teeny, tiny, corner of a new pot cookie. Candied ginger.
  • Friday: Most groceries were already purchased, and Bae bought the vodka. $3.50 for Filter coffee. $8.10 in ubers. $10 in Starbucks card reload. $14.43 for more groceries at Whole Foods.
  • Saturday: $3.50 for coffee. $39.60 at Ghibellina, $15.96 in Ubers. $17.74 for random groceries at Trader Joe’s.
  • Sunday: Lemon juice and candied ginger estimated at $6. $10 for National Parks Service entrance fee.
  • Total: $128.83
  • Friday: Solo sesh, courtesy of the Crave necklace that everyone should own.
  • Saturday: Nada. But I did get to say hi to Tegan and Sara, so maybe that’s enough?
  • Sunday: With Bae, tender banging with a playful amount of biting.

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