Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller will appear before the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees at 8:30 AM on Wednesday in Room 2141 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Mueller’s testimony will be all over TV and the internet, but perhaps you’d like to go in person.
Is his appearance open to the public?
Yes, this is an open session, which means anyone who gets there in time can watch. You’ll have to go through the usual DC security hassles, so allow plenty of time.
What time should I get there?
As early as possible. Like, probably around 5 AM if you want to have a shot. The room has limited capacity, but there will be a couple of overflow rooms set up. That will give you the experience of watching it on TV, but you get to wait in line for a really long time first.
Should I hire one of those line-waiting companies?
They’re certainly available: Jennifer Goff, the CEO of the line-sitting service Skip the Line, says the company has no requests for this hearing so far but that they sometimes come in at the last minute. Congressional hearings typically cost $35 per hour, per person in line, Goff says.
Will Hallway Pizza Guy be there?
Sadly, no. Thomas Connelly tells my coworker Jessica Sidman that he’s interning in another city these days.