About Guest List
Guest List is Washingtonian’s fantasy cast of who we’d like to invite over for dinner each month.
A monthly roundup of people we’d like to have over for drinks, food, and conversation—plus one person we definitely would not.
Danny Cendejas
An organizer for La ColectiVA, he has emerged as one of Amazon’s biggest local opponents.
Margaret Weichert
The acting OPM boss is a big player in Trump’s plan to move federal workers out of DC.
Victor Hoskins
After serving as economic-development chief in DC and Arlington, he’s taking the job in Fairfax.
Elizabeth Bracey
She leads Loudoun County’s Franklin Park Arts Center, which is hosting a major show of Bob Ross paintings.
Steve Buckhantz
NBCSW may have axed the longtime Wizards play-by-play guy, but we still want to dine with him.
He was one of the first artists to bail on Woodstock 50 after it moved to our area. The festival was canceled soon after.
Credits: Photo illustration by John Ueland. Photograph of Buckhantz by Jerry Wolman/Alamy. Photograph of Jay-Z by Shareif Ziyadat/Getty. Photograph of other Guest List photos courtesy of Subjects.
This article appears in the September 2019 issue of Washingtonian.