After a months-long hiatus, indoor fitness classes are back on in the District. Starting today, studios and gyms can host workouts indoors with up to ten participants (plus the instructor). Additionally, outdoor workout groups can up their numbers to 50 participants.
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the easing of restrictions last week during a press conference. In November, Bowser eliminated all indoor workout classes and capped outdoor classes at 25 participants as Covid-19 cases spiked.
The easing of restrictions is likely a welcome relief to local studio and gym owners. Not only has the pandemic hurt and shuttered many businesses, but some studio owners were originally confused as to why Bowser killed indoor classes while still allowing indoor dining. Some local spots pivoted to open-gym formats so they could continue operating, while other spots like Solidcore openly defied the mandate.
Meanwhile, studios and gyms are still not allowed to exceed 25 percent of their capacity or have over 250 people inside (whichever is less). And there are plenty of virtual and outdoor options for folks who aren’t ready to head back indoors.