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Doug Emhoff Is a Certified Wife Guy

Today, the Second Gentleman made another stop on his tour of DC tributes to Kamala Harris.

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff visited the restaurant Immigrant Food today. Photograph courtesy of Immigrant Food.

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff was spotted out and about in DC today grabbing a bite to eat. But we’re not talking about a sad, slightly moist Pret A Manger boxed sandwich here.

Instead, Emhoff stopped by Immigrant Food, a fast casual spot near the White House that’s known for internationally themed bowls. There, he ordered a dish named after his wife. You know, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Photograph courtesy of Immigrant Food.

The restaurant’s Madam VP’s Heritage Bowl is a nod to Harris’s Jamaican and Indian roots, with a blend of coconut-milk curried chicken stew, potatoes, plantains, chickpeas, spicy peppers, and pineapples over rice and spinach.

Okay, yes, that sounds delicious, and yes, if you go out to eat and have a wife badass enough to have a menu item named for her, it’s kinda required that you order it. But this marks the third time Emhoff has been spotted checking out local Harris homages, quite possibly making him the biggest Wife Guy of all time.

In January, Emhoff and Harris got takeout from Floriana and posed in front of the restaurant’s Harris-adorned Christmas tree. See how proud Emhoff is to be next to Harris as he takes the selfie? Total Wife Guy move.

And earlier this month, Emhoff stopped by the Colada Shop’s Wharf location after checking out a nearby crochet mural featuring his wife. What’s that? It’s the Wife Guy alarm going off!

Based on our evidence—a visit to the Kamala Christmas tree, stopping by the Kamala mural, checking out the Kamala lunch bowl—we can only assume that Emhoff is undertaking a greatest hits tour of all the Harris tributes in the area…right? Just let us know when someone spots him leaving Capo Deli sipping a Piña Kamala.

Mimi Montgomery Washingtonian
Home & Features Editor

Mimi Montgomery joined Washingtonian in 2018. She’s written for The Washington Post, Garden & Gun, Outside Magazine, Washington City Paper, DCist, and PoPVille. Originally from North Carolina, she now lives in Del Ray.