The Apprentice, a film detailing the life of a young Donald Trump in 1970s New York premieres on Friday, October 11. Starring Sebastian Stan as the future 45th president, the movie focuses on Trump’s business ventures and relationship with lawyer Roy Cohn (played by Jeremy Strong), who represented him in a 1973 housing discrimination lawsuit. Strong told Variety that the biopic is best described as a “Frankenstein” movie “about the creation of a monster by another monster.”
The movie isn’t without controversy, of course: According to Variety, the film’s production dodged cease and desists from Trump’s legal team. However, the movie will still make its debut, less than a month before Election Day.
Though the film has already been released in select theaters, it’ll officially premiere nationwide on Friday. Here’s where to watch in the DC area.
Alamo Drafthouse
630 Rhode Island Ave., NE
The speciality movie theater chain has early showings on Thursday night at its Bryant Street location as well as multiple showtimes throughout the weekend.
Landmark E Street Cinema
555 11th St., NW
The downtown theater, which typically shows independent and foreign language films, is screening the biopic starting on Friday.
3111 K St., NW; 2150 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington
Locations in Georgetown and Court House are doing advance showings on Thursday night and premiere screenings on Friday.
Regal Cinemas
Multiple locations in DC, Maryland, and Virginia
Theaters in Hyattsville, Silver Spring, Ballston, and Gallery Place are running advance showings ahead of the premiere day and have tickets available throughout the weekend.