
Lazy Labor Day: Society Fair Does Barbecue in a Bag

Pick up a rib-centric picnic at the Alexandria food shop.

If August apathy has you feeling grill-averse, just buy your Labor Day picnic. Image via Flickr user emkeller.

Look, nobody is judging. If ever there were a time of year to slack off a little, it is late August. Especially since forecasters are predicting skin-melting scorchers for the next few days. 

Mmm, skin-melting. Kind of puts you in the mood for barbecue, right? Since you will be needing something saucey and meaty to munch on this weekend, you might consider ordering barbecue in a bag from Society Fair. Cathal Armstrong’s Alexandria emporium sends word that it is offering a Labor Day to-go picnic with smoked pork ribs, potato salad, and butter cake, among other things. That meal is $60, feeds two, and is available for preorder online.