
5 Easy Ways to Organize Your Kitchen

A game plan to declutter your space.

Photograph by KatarzynaBialasiewicz. Photograph by Elle Riley Photography. Illustrations by Koren Shadmi Bruce Wentworth of Wentworth Architects & Builders designed this Capitol Hill kitchen to maximize every bit of space. Photograph by Ron Blunt; kitchen designed by Wentworth Studio.

When you’re finding a logical home for every item in your kitchen, Jill Lawrence, a certified organizer in DC, recommends asking yourself these questions before starting to organize:

1. Who is using this? Consider height, reach, and agility. (Will your kid have to climb to get this, or, will you be constantly bending over?)

2. How frequently is this used? If you bake only occasionally, for example, you can store the standing mixer in the highest cabinet.

3. With what other items do you use it? Lunchboxes and reusable drink bottles go hand in hand.

4. What activity requires this? Planning, prepping, cooking, drinking, serving, baking, cleaning—store like items together.

5. What “food group” is this part of? Soups, beans, nuts, dried fruits, grains, pastas/sauces, condiments, protein, savory snacks, sweet snacks, beverages—again, store like items together.
