News & Politics

Date Ideas Delivered

Still not sure where to take your date? Sign up for an e-newsletter—these local organizations and blogs will deliver timely suggestions to your in box.

International Affairs
Goethe-Institut. A weekly update on German cultural events.

International Club of DC. A guide to embassy-hosted and other international events;
Solas Nua. Contemporary Irish film, theater, music, and more.

Art, Song, and Stage
The Pinkline Project. The one-stop shop for arts events in Washington.

Washington Film Institute. Movie buffs will appreciate WFI’s film-oriented ideas, which often have an independent or international slant.

Event Roundups
Brightest Young Things. Washington’s hipster blog has the scoop on dance parties, indie-music concerts, and quirky cultural happenings. Check out the blog or join BYT’s Viper group ($5 monthly) to get regular freebies.

Gregslist. An extensive day-by-day compilation of all sorts of events.

Thrillist DC. This daily keeps you current on nightlife, entertainment, eating, and shopping in DC. Sign up for Where & When, our weekly event e-mail covering entertainment, nightlife, culture, and more.

>> Looking for the rest of our Valentine's Day guide? Head here.


Sarah is the Editor-in-Chief of Washingtonian Bride & Groom, and writes about weddings, fashion, and shopping. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Bethesda Magazine, and Washington City Paper, among others. She is a Georgetown University graduate, lives in Columbia Heights, and you can find her on Instagram at @washbridegroom and @sarahzlot.