Things to Do

After Hours Items: The Best Links of the Week

It's Memorial Day weekend! Here are some links to entertain you over the weekend, if for some reason you're stuck inside and not enjoying the glorious weather. In fact, After Hours is leaving on a bit of a vacation today and will return on Tuesday, May 29

Fort Reno, the fantastic summer concert series, has released the line up of their first show on June 18. It includes local rockers Mass Movement of the Moth, Deleted Scenes (a personal fave), and Boom Orangutans. The full schedule will be up soon. If you've never been to a Fort Reno show before, do yourself a favor and head up to Chesapeake Street and Nebraska Avenue, NW, with a blanket, and take in a show this summer.

Project Beltway has a post from the Taste of the South up that's stirring up some controversy in the comments. What do you think of this "modern take on the hoop dress"?

Want to see some stand-up comedy for free—and get filmed on an HBO special to boot? Dave Attell and D.L. Hughley are each taping HBO specials at the Lincoln Theater next weekend, and DC Metblogs has the scoop on how you can go.

If you need some great tunes to be your soundtrack to the holiday weekend, head over to the fantastic internet radio station, WOXY. (Seriously. They're fantastic. I wouldn't be able to make it through a day at work without them in the background.) They're doing their 18th Annual Modern Rock 500, which counts down the "500 greatest songs in the history of modern rock." The music gets started at 10 am tomorrow, so tune in.